'투 더 문 한글패치'에 해당되는 글 1건

  1. 2014.05.11 To the Moon 한글패치 (Mac & Linux) 1

To the Moon 한글패치입니다. (Mac & Linux)

윈도우인 사람은 패치 안하셔도 됩니다.

스팀에서 공식으로 한글지원합니다.

Korean Fonts.zip




사용방법 (영어... 저는 영어를 못하니 알아서 해석하세요...)

Here is how to use it (The paths are different on Linux) :

- Make a backup copy of your game files (To The Moon.app).

- Download Korean.zip and Korean Fonts.zip.

- Extract Korean.zip, it contains two folders named "Data" and "Graphics".

- Right Click on To The Moon.app , click "Show Package Contents", navigate to Contents/Resources.

- Copy the "Data" and "Graphics" folders extracted from Korean.zip to this place. Replace the original folders with those you are copying.

- Extract Korean Fonts.zip, it contains a folder named Fonts, put it inside the To The Moon.app/Contents/Resources (Replace the existing Fonts folder).

- Start your game and most parts of it should be in Korean!

Notes about the fonts:

Fonts are named times_new_roman.ttf and ms_pgothic.ttf but they are not actually those fonts, they are named like that to trick the game to use them for displaying its text  :)

Both of them are actually Nanum Gothic font which is a free Korean font licensed under SIL Open Font License:


(Translation of this post would be appreciated  :) ).

출처 : http://freebirdgames.com/forum/index.php?topic=5472.new

Posted by Arie